


Yeah, so after I pointed out that your FUD about newbs was bullshit you come back with non sequitur response.

I've had several discussions with you regarding not only how (read: not why) we got to this point, but also these proposals and so when I see your bullshit about "they said the rich get richer" or "screw the newbs" it's satisfying to call it out knowing that we both know how full of shit you are. You lately respond to being called out with more nonsense/bullshit and/or snickering, for whatever reason, showing me that you




I've effectively countered your nonsense, and while you've had numerous opportunities to respond in a thoughtful manner you foolishly hunker down behind the same sentiment of "development is shit and stakeholders are worse" with your snickering and petulant nonsense and you're completely convinced it seems, that by slandering either the community/stakeholders or the development (which is one and the same as far as I'm concerned) you are holding their toes to the fire, but what I see you do is neither holding their toes to the fire or honoring the principles behind such, like accountability, which comes chiefly from integrity, so it simply is slanderous nonsense and its mostly to castigate it seems, and you think steemit/whales as responsible and you think you're holding them accountable but you are not accountable or responsible for what you claim even, a burden that is considered so cursory it ought never to be evaded, but that doesn't mean you don't have very high standards of others and think you deserve to lecture them on principles like integrity and responsibility.

Cut the bullshit already, what are you trying to do, because it seems like thousands of failuires later you're trying the exact same thing/still sticking to the script, but now you have me in the mix though, taking every single opportunity (and sometimes tripling it) to make sure that I exemplify the way to respond to bullshit. I'll let you know when it's over.

Lol, give me hell, baah!

I'm just trying to understand the math.
You don't have to appreciate my methods.
Nor do you have to agree that when somebody makes changes that were known to be flawed doubles down on those changes I should double down on my contentious resistance to said changes.
If you remember correctly, steemit was on the soon to be deprecated list not that long ago.

As for the shadow banning, there is only one way to prove what I said, and I'm betting it's only a matter of time until I find more broken links.

I will be sure to tag you when I do.

I'm just trying to understand the math.

Good one, is that why you're asking instead of stating?

You don't have to appreciate my methods.

Cut the crap. Methods aren't unsubstantiated slanderous nonsense.

Nor do you have to agree that when somebody makes changes that were known to be flawed doubles down on those changes I should double down on my contentious resistance to said changes.

What changes exactly? That's what I fucking thought, vague nonsense.

If you remember correctly, steemit was on the soon to be deprecated list not that long ago.

Which list? Who's list?

As for the shadow banning, there is only one way to prove what I said, and I'm betting it's only a matter of time until I find more broken links.

Broken links don't mean shit. You think that the simplest explanation for a broken link is a massive conspiracy to "shadowban" you, because when you regard unadulterated slander as a methodology of operating then the simplest explanation is the most insane and idiocy ridden one.

The people in ‘power’ do not call it that way, but Sadowbanning/blocking is indeed happening sometimes on steemit (not on the steem blockchain). I even have one “true example” for you. Remember, About half a year ago, when that hackergroup (the dark overlord) came out on social media, and demended to be paid in btc for the real truth about what happened at 911???

Well, .... Those guys & girls also posted on steemit, and they got kicked off, blocked/ shadowbanned of steemit, but you could still find their posts on the steem blockchain.

I remember @aggroed wrote a mad post about it, concluding that ...

“The steem blockchain is censorship proof
the interface is not
the steemit blockchain isn't a thing that exists“

Look up the definition of shadow banning first and then we can discuss if extortion, which is exactly what those "demands" were, ought to be honored EVER as free speech or enabled in any kind of way.

I've been informed there was a bug.
The timing is close.
Time will tell.

As for the rest, we've already determined I'm a loon, so I should never be taken at face value.

Caveat emptor.

I've been informed there was a bug.
The timing is close.
Time will tell.

You mean someone spent their time trying to 'help' you in your "investigation" and pointed out other much more likely explanations than the conclusion you jumped to without qualm?

Time won't tell shit, only a thorough testing, questioning and examining will and let's be honest, even if you undertake the scientific method instead of your methodology based on slanderous accusations will you have the integrity to set your bias aside?

As for the rest, we've already determined I'm a loon, so I should never be taken at face value.

I don't care what you "determine" of yourself, all I'm concerned are the incessant disparaging claims you aim at the development and community and what you base them on, and considering yourself a loon ain't gonna make me avoid your claims.

You missed the other half:

Those posts that would have made less than 20 STEEM under the old rules will receive less after the changes.

What are you talking about? Does that mean that it has absolutely anything to do with "newbs", because you just exemplified how to completely miss the other person's point, point being that the quote is not referring at all to new users.

Fuck it's painful to watch the idiotic nonsense that leaves people's mouths like a bad habit before they consider what they read or even what they said.

The new payout rules have absolutely something to do with discouraging new users. You just choose to not see it.

Have to disagree with you on a number of points. But firstly I have said before I would like the changes to have gone further, maybe 10/90 split. The truth is the vast majority of users will never earn by posting, however they can continue to do so in the hope a post goes viral. When most of the upvotes are worth practically nothing anyway, we need a way for those accounts to grow enough so their vote counts, yes the rewards to authors will hit their earnings but if the votes they get are worth more it should compensate for the loss in earnings.

You need some way in my view to distribute Steem to the lesser accounts and then in turn they will distribute it back. You can't prevent some of this being sold but good Curation incentives should be enough to curtail that. What is certain is that the current model isn't working and with the ability to just earn by delegating to bots it just plays into the hands of those with the most Steem.

Another problem is the bad image it presents that you just sign up with a Steem account and the $$$ just pour in, that doesn't help in the long run. Also there is much more to do than just post and upvote so the focus needs to be getting users to get Steem and Power Up. There are vastly more users who will benefit from Curation rewards than will ever benefit from Post rewards. The problem though is this doesn't fix the other problem, that is getting users to manually upvote original content and stop them delegating to bidbots. If you could fix that aspect as well then I think you would have a better Steem eco system.

But like someone above said its also not about how many rewards you get its about how much those rewards are worth so the focus must be on increasing the token value, I think there is enough going on in Steem to attract new users so I am confident this won't have such a bad effect on that as you believe.

I'm not actually all that much bothered about the 50/50 Split. The decrease in income for postings under 20 Steem bothers me.

And that will hit both small authors and curators. And the amount of posts is already falling:

As is the amount of votes:

As is the value of steem itself. Note that I did buy steem and powered up in the past. But I don't see a point in it any more.

My suspicion: The dolphin to wales have all the steem they want and smaller accounts are disillusioned and don't want to invest.

As for a 10/90 split: Why not go all the way and do 0/100 split like @dtube? We'll see how that will work's out. It's worth a try.

You just choose not to point out in no uncertain way how that limit has anything to do with new users, so I'll just continue to point out that the curve does not have anything to do with new users, it's entirely about posts, not users.

If you like pointless nitpicking then go ahead.

But I have a question for you: Who makes those postings? And who curates those postings?

Hint: They are macroscopic so they don't pop into existence out of the quantum foam.

There's nothing pointless or nitpicky about what I said. Here I'll repeat it again because I like reiterating what you attempted to mitigate to "pointless nitpicking" as:

A curve for posts has ABSOLUTELY no-thing to do with new users.

Do your best to marginalize, change the topic or any thing to that effect.

You did not answer my question:

Who makes those postings? And who curates those postings?