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RE: Health freedom is your most valuable asset

in #health7 years ago

It sounds like you really value your health! I love it. Totally agree that you simply cannot afford not to eat healthy. Health > everything haha. The chemicals DEFINITELY affect us in so many ways, libido being just one of them.

Would HIGHLY recommend switching from RO to spring water. RO leaches the minerals from your body. Nature does it best with the spring water. If you go to this site, you can see where there may be a spring near you.

Also, you can eat dairy products and be healthy, as long as its organic and RAW. The reason most people are lactose intolerant is actually because the milk is heated to such a high temp that it becomes an entirely different product.

It sounds like you're on an awesome path. Great to connect with a fellow health nut! :)


Thanks for the spring/mineral water tip and link- I never knew that but it makes sense- made sure I had some mineral water today : )