Wishing Health and Happiness for all!

in #health7 years ago

As we all know its flu season and short of getting the flu shot there are things you can do to protect your self and have a healthier immune system so it can engage bacteria when it enters your body.

  1. Eat as much raw food as possible and diversify the colors of the food your eating for vast nutrient absorbtion.
  2. Exercise regularly (duh!), but if you do get sick tone it back because you will be sweating out the nutrients your body needs to regain its strength to fight the sickness.
  3. Stop eating meat for a few days, give your body one less reason to focus on your stomach. When you eat, blood is sent to your stomach to breakdown and absorb the nutrients. Meat takes longer to process than fruits and veggies, LIVE raw foods are absorbed with the least difficulty.
  4. Take in as much sunlight as possible, in most parts of the country this time of year, getting enough sunlight can be extremely difficult with inclement weather being present so often. Point being if you see the sun, go stand in it for awhile!

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the flu is no fun.