SEC-S20W2 | 1st Half: Hot Liquid and Solid Starters

It's a pleasure to be able to attend gastronomy class for week 2 and present my homework. Last week, I learnt about the cold starters and was curious to know specific meals that might fall under the hot starters. Here, in the second course topic, my curiosity has been cleared; I have learned that the hot starters are divided into two; the hot liquid starters and the hot solid starters. Isn't that amazing?

SEC-S20W2.pngDesigned with canva

However, among these two types of hot starters mentioned in this course, hot liquid starters has always been my favorite because I enjoy eating stew, creamy meals and soup more. Although, I usually prepare both hot liquid and solid starters for daily food menu depending on what my family are having. For 3 or more course menu, I would say that; I have prepared and served more of hot solid as starter for menu.

For the purpose of this course, I will prepare just one type of starter which is; hot solid starter.

I will prepare battered chicken and potato chips. Below are the ingredients used for my hot solid starter and the preparation procedures.

IMG_6787.jpegmise en place

Ingredients Used
  • Chicken
  • Flour
  • Vegetable oil
  • Potato
  • Egg
  • Salt
  • Dried pepper
  • Curry powder
  • Thyme
Preparation Process

Step 1: sieve the flour and keep it aside.

IMG_6784.jpegProcess of sieving flour

Step 2: slice the chicken to your desired size or shape ( make sure to remove the bones in it). For battered recipes, it is best to use just fleshy parts of the meat.

IMG_6790.jpegCutting chicken breast

Step 3: add salt, pepper, curry and thyme then mix.

IMG_6793.jpegMixing different ingredients

Step 4: heat up vegetable oil and set the ingredients for frying accordingly; chicken > flour > egg.


Step 5: start the frying process by putting the chicken into the flour, from flour to egg and from egg to the pan for frying.


Keep frying till the battered chicken turn light brown.

IMG_6805.jpegFrying process

After frying the chicken, I also fried the potato chips after giving it a stick cut.

IMG_6809.jpegpotato before frying

Here's the final result of my hot solid starter;

IMG_6813.jpegBattered chicken, potato chips and tomato sauce

I have learned the different types of cooking methods in the previous course last season which are; dry heat, moist heat and combined method. With my understanding of these methods listed, this method used in preparing my hot solid starter doesn't fall into any of the above mentioned category so I would call it fry heat or frying method because it was completely submerged in fat heat.

The main dish and dessert that would go with this starter prepared are;

Starter: battered chicken and potato chips accompanied by a sauce
Main dish: jollof basmati rice
Dessert: apple, banana, watermelon and yogurt mixed smoothie

IMG_6817.jpegA selfie with the hot solid starter

I have come to an end of my assignment and would like to invite @mvchacin, @dequeen and @josepha to join the gastronomy class. Thank you!


Greetings dear friend.

Thanks so much for the invitation,l will definitely participate in Gastronomy week2, aII that is remaining is getting ingredients.

Going through your post help me to see that you have learn alot from this teaching team. Your Battered chicken, potato chips and tomato sauce look yummy and delicious. Your cooking steps is clear and simple. Your food imagination would be mouth watering. I must commend your entry,it is on top notch.

I wish you success in this contest and many blessings.

Yes, I have learned a whole lot from gastronomy team especially when it comes to culinary terminology 😉

Thank you for your nice comment, hope to see your entry soon!

Your battered chicken looks so yummy and crispy. I appreciate your step by step preparation as this will help your readers to learn from you.

You have identified your cooking methods which is fry heat method, your 3-course menu imagination combo is a fitting nutritious combo.

Your starter really looks appetizing.

Wishing you success 👍

Thank you so much for your valuable contribution!

Following the steps by steps preparation i think this is well detailed i will love to try this. I love stew and creamy meals as well i will surely share my recipes as well

Good luck dear

Thank you for your comment


This post has been upvoted/supported by Team 7 via @philhughes. Our team supports content that adds to the community.


Many thanks @philhughes for the support 🙏🏻