Dzo, my platonic love

in #friend5 years ago


What really is true love? Have you ever loved anyone without any expectation of getting something in return or some kind of emotional support? Well, yes I mean Platonic love. I have a belief that true love cannot exist in between two humans as our brain is much more developed to understand the meaning of benefits and what's good for ourselves and what not. You can tell me that you loved a person without any kind of favor in return. Well, let's say you loved a woman or your wife. I would strongly disagree that you did that. As you loved her because loving her made you happy. The moment she becomes a pain in the ass or she does something which is not making you happy, you will break up with her or get a divorce. So, here you can see that here happiness is the favor she did to you. However, I believe platonic love can exist between something of pure spirit and a nonpure spirit or in between two kinds where one doesn't understand the meaning of benefit or selfishness. Well, I had a platonic love with my dog. I live in the student dorm and here live a few dogs. So, I was always carrying food for them and hang out with them. There was this one dog who didn't care about food. She used to lay down. So, you have to pet her first and then she will eat and she used to bath in the fountain. She loved water and followed me everywhere and she used to sleep in front of the building as she knew I live there. There was no selfishness in the way she loved me and I loved here. Yesterday she was hit buy the bus and died. It feels so painful when a friend you loved leaves without saying goodbye. I heard the news when I woke up and the people already took here. I believe that was platonic love. She was the most beautiful dog I have ever seen and her spirit was million times purer than mine. I still can;t believe that she is gone and I go to those places where she was always sitting and I believe that suddenly she will show up and lay down and say come one pet me.


I am sorry for your loss!