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RE: "Democracy" Turns Good People Into Arrogant, Lazy Authoritarians [Steemit Exclusive]

in #freedom6 years ago

Excellent article. I would venture to say that the people who don't realize that political power is, in fact, controlling how the inherent violence of the state is used are responsible for this defect. It takes all of five seconds to realize that all legislation is backed, ultimately, by the threat of deadly force. Certainly cognitive dissonance will prevent most do-gooder political crusaders from making that final leap, but it's right there. In black and white. If they're exposed to it and they refuse to acknowledge the horrifying consequences of that fact, then they are entirely blameworthy.

Of course I could be overly harsh in that assessment. Just my two cents. At any rate, I'm with you in seeking better systems and methods to avoid and obviate democracy. I hope my children get to live in that world.