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RE: ADSactly Awareness - Why There Are Hidden Harmful Chemicals In Your Food 2

in #food7 years ago

There are many food additives that are terribly bad for us. Here is another one, I think worth mentioning: This lists some foods with Propylene Glycol. It's shocking that Anti Freeze is now added to some baked goods, and even in Beneful Dog Food. It's not in Cat Food as it is highly toxic to cats. Years ago, we had a Vietnamese friend who came out camping. He made a Fish Head Soup. Fish Heads, red peppers, a few good spices etc. It was just delicious!

A few years later, another Vietnamese friend came out camping. We asked him to make a fish head soup. He was in the process of making the soup, and started off the same way as our other friend. Then, he pulled a bag out and started to pour this crystal from a bag into the soup. We asked him what THAT was and he said, 'Oh, just some MSG.' We told him to stop, and that we wouldn't be eating that soup. We ended up burning the whole pot of soup. We found this unbelievable! We really need to read ALL labels when buying packaged food. But, best not to buy packaged food. It really is all Chemicals!