Get rid of Government.

in #elections12 days ago


I know that I've been shitting on the Democrats a lot. I know that, since I've said publicly that I'm voting for Trump, it's understandable that people would think that I'm a Republican.

I'm not.

I haven't been a registered Republican for about eighteen years. I was a registered Democrat in 2020 because I thought that there were a couple of Democratic candidates who were better than Trump, and I wanted to vote in the Democratic primary.

So, I get it.

Still, I haven't changed. I still think that we should just get rid of these murder, theft, and rape machines that we call "governments."

This is a pragmatic decision.

Trump sucks on his rhetoric regarding the First Amendment. Still, he did literally nothing legally to back up his rhetoric. Zuckerberg had just admitted that the Biden administration had pressured him to regulate speech on Facebook.

I'm obviously a Second Amendment guy. I'm more pro-Gun than the NRA. I was critical of Trump the moment that he pushed through the ban on bumpstocks. Kamala Harris wants to put me in prison if I don't turn in the gun that I just bought -- and she wants to do it by executive order.

So, I'm voting Republican out of desperation. I'm voting Republican to try to stay out of prison for not harming anybody.

All the Democrats needed to do to get my vote was pick a nominee who had a functioning brain and wasn't a Marxist. They failed.

I usually vote for the Libertarian candidate despite knowing that I'm gonna lose. I've never been on the winning side of a presidential election.

The idea of another four years of Trump depresses me. The idea of eight years of Harris terrifies me.

I'd rather be depressed than terrified.