in #education6 years ago

Birth is the process of childbearing, the beginning of life. The birth of a child is a thing of Joy. Every child was born by woman(male or female).
There are four stages of life:

  1. Childhood: The time during which one is a child, from between infancy and puberty. In this stage of life that when a child learn manners, self control and the begin of his life. The age begins from 0-12.
    At this stage of life the child minds is open to everything both negative and positive. The child body begins to develop for puberty
  2. Adolescence
  3. Adulthood: The time of life when one is expected to take responsibility for one's own
    actions and well-being. In this stage a person should take responsibility of his/her life. Any decision you make at this stage affect you. The age begins from 18-50.
    At this stage, you think about marriage and starting up a family
  4. Old age: The latter part of life, the part of life after one's prime. At this stage, a person
    Has fulfilled his/her life. He has children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
    At this time death is standing at the corner