Doggy "Daan" returns home after a long stint of leg-wound recovery

in #dogslast month

You may recall the story about a horrible infected wound that we were alerted to recently and we were quite happy that we were told about it because otherwise we may not have known and therefore wouldn't have been able to intervene in time to help Daan. For this we are greatful that the community in Krabi is aware that our organization exists and they are able to find us and call us.


Daan had rather massive wounds on his back that were from unknown origin but our guess is a car striking him or a fight with another dog. No matter the cause the wounds were badly infected and had infestations of maggots and other parasites that left untreated would have killed him. As I have mentioned many times dogs are quite capable of dealing with wounds provided they can reach them but dogs are also not known for any sort of teamwork to help out another dog if they can't reach the wounds with their mouths.

Daan was in a bad state when we got him but all is well now after the wounds were healed, anti-parasite medication was applied both internally an externally, and also an extensive cleaning of the wound before sewing him back up.


Now when you look at his back you can't hardly even tell that there was ever a wound there to begin with... and this is the whole idea. I hate to think what would have happened to Daan if we hadn't been told about him because even though I didn't post some of the more gruesome pictures, the wound in his back was deep and had long since stopped bleeding as the insects entered and were consuming his body from the inside. I can't even imagine how horrible that must be to have something eating you alive.


When we got him back to the temple that he calls home, he perked up immediately because I would imagine this entire experience was quite frightening to him. Dogs like Daan have never known any other life so even though when we look at his home it doesn't seem like much, but it is what he is familiar with and comfortable with. The reason why it took the monks so long to let us know about this wound is because Daan is one of the introverted dogs that doesn't really come out to greet us or the many tourists that visit this place every day.


Daan is also quite advanced in his age so his levels of enthusiasm as far as social situations are concerned, is quite sedate compared to other, younger dogs that also live here. He does seem to be an elder of sorts but nobody actually knows how old he is.


While dropping Daan off we took the time to provide some food to the dogs that came, once again, to greet our vehicle as soon as we got there. Daan didn't seem afraid of the other dogs at all but mostly just seemed indifferent to their presence. Instead he slowly trotted off into the distance to where a monk told us is his "regular sitting down place."


We did ask the monks to please keep a close eye on him in the coming weeks and to make sure that he gets food. We will come and check up on him regularly over the coming weeks.

if you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.





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