Construction at the temple has the dogs stressed out

in #dogs2 months ago

Dogs are sensitive creatures and we shouldn't pretend that they are not bothered by things that also bother humans. As much as we all hate a construction crew, imagine how confusing it is to a dog that had a tranquil life only to have it suddenly interrupted by a massive monster excavator that is making tons of noise in what they believe is their field. Well that is what it is like for the dogs at the Temple right now.

I don't even know what these guys are building but during my weekly drop off of food and snacks I could see that my furry friends were a bit more skittish than they normally are.


Dogs often seek shelter by climbing to higher ground when they are nervous and I found it quite amusing that when I arrived that several of the dogs were all sitting on top of these cement tables in the shade. I have never seen them do that before but I suppose an added benefit is that since the tables are made of cement, it was nice and cool on their bellies as well.

My primary objective was to restock the bagged food supplies at this particular temple.


I may have mentioned this in the past but not long ago a local food distributor in the Krabi region found out about what we are doing for the dog population and we were fortunate because this man wasn't only someone who got quite wealthy from logistics, but he is also an animal lover and had a lot of praise for what we do. We now get all of our bulk purchases at cost which is about 20% less than we were paying for it in the past. This savings can result in many great things happening for the injured and sick dogs of Krabi province so we are quite grateful for that.

I also brought some special snacks for my buddies who rush to my car when they hear me arriving.


I always make sure to bring plenty of it so that they don't fight with one another. This pack all seem quite familiar with one another and they are pretty well-fed so there isn't a lot of aggression when it comes to food.


It did concern me a little bit that several of these dogs seem to have the beginning stages of eye problems so I am going to show these photos to the veterinarian just to make sure there isn't some sort of eye infection that the dogs could be spreading to one another. These sorts of problems, just like any medical problem with humans or animals, are much easier to deal with if you catch it early.


We don't neglect the cats either! The cats here are less affectionate towards me and are reluctant to approach me but this likely has a lot to do with the fact that the dogs are following me everywhere and well, we all know about the endless war between cats and dogs!


Some of them were a bit more curious than others though. Look at these two beauties. It is alarming to me that nobody wants to give these lovelies a home. I'll talk later about how it is much more difficult to "rehome" a cat than it is a dog.

It was a great day with the only surprise being the construction. According to the monks that live there it has only been going on for a couple of days but if my experience - which is quite limited - with heavy equipment is at all accurate, they don't bring out machines of this magnitude for something that will be finished quickly. I guess the dogs are just going to have to get used to it. They are pretty tough, they can handle it.

if you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.
