My entry to : Basic programming course: Lesson #1 - Introduction to programming

Hi friends,

I am Jyoti from India. Hope you are all well and safe, here I am going to participate in the SEC S20 W1 contest: organised by @alejos7ven .

Copy of @jyoti-thelight.jpg


Lesson #1 - Introduction to programming

Task 1. Describe in your own words an algorithm of some activity you do daily.

Algorithm to prepare a cup of Tea:

  • Put a vessel on flame
  • Pour a cupe of water
  • Adda spoon of tea powder to boil
  • Adda spoon of sugar
  • Add Milk
  • Allow boil up to 2 minutes
  • Filter in to the tea cup

Algorithm to washing cloths:

  • Collect the dirty cloths
  • Seperate them upon heavy and light
  • Seperate them colored cloths and white clothes
  • Put one of the sepetrated clothes in to the washing machine
  • Open the water tap
  • Add liquid detergent in tothe wewahing machine
  • Swich on the waching machine
  • Set Timer for waching upon its heavyness
  • Remove the clothes after done the job
  • Hang the cloths on rope wire to dry

Task 2. What is the importance of programming languages in the world? How do they help us?

A programming language is a set of instructions that can be used to communicate with and control a computer. These languages ​​are used to design websites, create applications, develop operating systems, software, tools, control spacecraft and analyze data etc. Programming languages ​​are necessary because computers cannot underst human lanuges such as English other languages. Programming languages ​​can be a bridge to human and machine, helping programmers translate their commands into something that a computer can understand and execute.

Computer programming languages ​​allow you to work with new options in different ways.
This is especially helpful if you already know a programming language.

For example, you can learn how to create QR codes and similar activities by learning a new coding language. Because of the tools you get from knowing multiple coding languages, you can find more exciting and innovative ways to use code.

Because programming languages ​​are an in-demand set of skills, you can use your knowledge of multiple programming languages ​​to boost negotiations or when you're in the market for a new job.

These languages ​​can help your employer make more money, so it's important to make sure they're paying you appropriately for your skills. They will offer you more money because of your skills, but always remember: never accept the first offer!

Task 3. What do you need while programming?

First of you need to know any programing languge such as c, c++, java, python etc
To run our program in binary language, there are various tools like compilers, operating system and hardware.

Programs are the basis of computer operation. Everything from mobile phones to rockets that fly in the sky are powered by programs. Creating them is called programming.

Task 4. Write your first "Hello world!" Using pseudo-code.

I have already learned C and C ++ programming language. So I know to wite this code. For this task I am going to show here how to write code for "Hello, World!" in 'c' language.

C language Code for hello world :

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// printf() displays the string inside quotation
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;

Output: Hello, World!

To test whether the code written by me is correct, we can check it online using an online compiler. For this, I am going to test thecode using online C Compiler.




I like to invite
@suborna03 ,
@dave-hanny, to take part in this contest.


Discord : @jyoti-thelight#6650 Telegram :-



Dear @jyoti-thelight madam, Your writings are quite creative. I always follow your different posts and I learn new things by following your posts. Since joining the Steemit platform I consider you as my work idol as you present us educational posts at various levels on this platform.

You have creativity in this post today which I like very much. Although I myself did a six month computer course on programming. Honestly I am happy to work with honest people like you on this platform which is becoming known as medium of education day by day. Your post presentation is quite nice and creative. I always love your posts and you. accept love from me

It truly warms my heart to hear that you find my posts creative and educational. I’m thrilled to know that you’ve been learning new things from them.
Thank you for giving your valuable feedback, have a nice day

Hello @jyoti-thelight it will be great to learn.. coding in the steemit platform..

Kindly accept my friend request on discord.. it will be great to grow my account under your guidance..

Hi, very nice to meet you and wish you all the best

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