
As ridiculous as they are, this is such a great way to learn how smart contracts on the ETH network work.

Also, my Kitties have much better genetics. You should consider mine instead :)

Dude, we should hook those kitties up!

Oh, our kitties are totally going to hook up.

Dear baby Jesus funny!! 🤣🤣🤣🙌🏽

does your kitty have a button to shut the door automatically?

I find this disturbing yet somewhat satisfying :D

I looked at the home page but it doesn't have much information on how it works overall, care to share?

or how they dont work :D

No. mine are cuter LOL

Umm...WTF is this???

Is this what Dan has been secretly working on under the guise of an “EOS” platform? Was this his evil plan to sink Ethereum?

Also - my wife wants to know if she should be getting in on this action. This is the only thing on Steemit that seems to have gotten her attention.

Fad - in just one week?

haha - people even calling it a bubble already..

Guess this is going to stay

hhahahahhahha this is fucking hilarious indeed!

Puñeteros gatos del demonio 😂😂😂

You don't get the fasination 4 days ago, but I guess you like Strange that I didn't hear anything about it from my kids.. But I am going to check it NOW!!

My wife and I have 2, but its slowing down ether trades so much that we cannot so anything with them. So like the woman that sold her virginity for $2.9m, we think that we will hold onto them, so they are pure virgins. Besides one day it was $.29 to sire and yesterday it was like $9. Screw that. Ill sell my virgin cats for like 5 eth

Fat son how smiling mrs natural expense anxious friends.

The cheapest one I saw was 9 bucks ... still too expensive for me!

you can sort them by the price. I saw some for 0.07 Ether but they were really bad xD

ETH tubes gonna get clogged with kittehs.

It’s already hurting pretty bad lol. I feel like I woke up in a Rick and Monty episode.

Wait what ? :D

want to breed kittens with me? Does that sound weird?

I'm actually considering getting ssome kittens lets breed

You have a shit load of eth?

How much is shitload of eth ?

Not quite as much as a shitton of eth.

ill just print one of these kittens out on paper, my paper wallet, and not waste $5,000

Dang that pussy is expensive... however this looks fun enough to try and buy at least 1 kitty.