The Cycle of Market Emotions


  • Introspection is invaluable. Learning to know the specifics of our movements is an incredible skill and ability.

  • Play around with identifying with words the specifics of your emotion and feeling. In doing this one is able to learn.

  • Play around with making trades and picks and be sure to keep going. See how effective you are in ability to follow simple instructions.

  • Buy Low and Sell High - Rinse and Repeat - Again and Again and Again.

  • Spiral out from Within - Each step is a new play.

  • 1000's of PLAY'S a Day - Living our Best Plays 100%

  • What are your plays of the day?

  • Life is a Musical Play, A harmony of All's an ongoing Play Work.

  • Everyone is a Data Scientist. Our first responsibility is to learn, understand and know how to do our own technical analysis. Starting with our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Introspection is the first lesson in what it means to be a responsible human. Think about it.

  • Is it possible....if we understand and know how our thoughts, feelings and emotions work - that we could move together collective...Coexisting as One and Equal...a Singularity?

  • PI ? Is this the ultimate pattern and sequence. A real free style structured ongoing continuous flow - In Deed :)


2018 is the Year of Educational Self-Empowerment. "The Renascence"

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This is basically the same as the Gartner hype cycle:

There are constant arguments regarding where we are currently in the cycle. And btc appears to have been through the cycle many times.

Thank for information for other referendes

ohhh cool - thanks for sharing, I hadn't heard of it expressed that way.

Emotions can be such a threat to an investor's financial health, it is important to be aware of them. Keeping your emotions in check is a key trait of successful investors🙂

I’ve been through these cycles many times.

When I used to daytrade, I read a bunch of books on tactics and the biggest thing you could do as a human is try to block out any emotion you felt during your trades.

Become a robot and stick to your plan. Better results if you can achieve this.

Thanks for posting.

become a robot and stick to your plan. better results if you can achieve this.

we go through all the up's and downs and i know those emotions haha :D

great to read this, i believe high risk high gain, one should clear with his strategies when to sell and purchase, without strategie its i called the big lost

i think i m anxious about long term haha

long term is a the journey of many steps. - will have many days to work on your anxious nature - in time to come you will be the friend who's calm, cool and collected for yours peers that will be beginning their journey through the emotional ringer

emotional ringer

Thank you for the comment @travelsickness - best regards to a - calm, cool and collected sense of well being.

Generally market price move in a cycle. Sometimes we see peak, sometimes we see dip. But always price move through rising. So your example is true for market life

good one !!!!

work with feeling, patience, heart, and all that in science. if all this exists, then it will likely work. congratulations on the good post.

Going through the time in my small time in crypto world I have been in almost all the trends of the cycle of emotions !But as it seems as time is going by I am kind of adopting to the situations :)