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RE: Just How Big Would the Conspiracy to Hide a Flat Earth Have to Be?

in #conspiracy7 years ago

What, is that all? Yeah, it's totally a flat earth. ;)

Joking aside, what I find hard to wrap my head around is that such a group is actually not only still around, but also growing in number! I've read all your posts and laugh every time, but it's almost an anxiety-fueled laughter. Are any of these people in positions where they can make major political decisions? Hopefully not, or at least hopefully not reelected...



Fortunately, I don't think that there are any in the political circles, however in pop culture and sports there are: Rapper Bobby Ray Simmons Jr. (aka B.o.b.) recently announced a GoFundMe campaign called "Show BoB The Curve" which sadly has 5k so far. Shaquille O'Neal, Kyrie Irving... The list goes on... All influencers in their own circles.