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RE: Saying the Civil War was fought over slavery is like saying our current wars are fought to preserve freedom.

in #confederate7 years ago (edited)

"Political correctness will be the death of us all"
-George Carlin
It's all part of the usual suspects process toward their attempts to genocide their enemy. The ones who refused their usury con game millennia ago.
The truth doesn't matter to the programmed. Usual suspect owned east India co and three African kings created the slave trade we all are never allowed to not know. They did it in a fucking arms race. EACo trading guns. Black kings traded humans. Warring and stealing neighboring tribespeople and shipping their own unwanted for guns and power. The largest and cruelest of all American slave owners was a free black man. A fact oprah would love to erase. Hip fucking hop huh? Yet nobody says shit about the more than a 1000 years of Iberian raiders out of the Steppes and North Africa raiding and pillaging the coasts of Europe taking slaves into the longest known slave trade ever. The Irish claddah is all about it but that's not taught here. We're not whining because we're not being genetically wired to nor propagandized to do so. Others are.
Again, by the usual suspects.
And what undereducated Americans think is the confederate flag is actually the flag of the army of Virginia. These pc fucks think they're making progress by denying history. They are signing their own warrant. I hope I'm here to see the result.