Entrepreneurs (start your business)

in #business6 years ago


Employment problems today are indeed
the problem is quite complicated. This happens because of formal employment
which is no longer able to absorb the entire workforce due to increasingly
the strength of the modernization process, plus more formal employment
demanding relatively high knowledge and technical abilities.
The above mentioned was able to make some people, think for
establishing their own business without having to strive to earn
work in the formal sector. Moreover, the government has also realized that
to reduce the unemployment rate by simply creating the
entrepreneurs or business people more and can compete.
Coupled with the assumption that some say
big drivers of change, innovation and economic progress come from
of entrepreneurs, will certainly greatly motivate the community in
Indeed, the term entrepreneurship has a derived word
from the translation of entrepreneur, which in English is known by
term between taker or go between. In Big Language Dictionary
Indonesia, the word entrepreneur comes from the word "wira" and "effort". Wira can
means noble, sublime and superior, while business means the ability to
do something / effort on their own strength. So, entrepreneurial means human beings excel in their own power and not always
depending on others.

In essence everyone is an entrepreneur, in the sense
that everyone is able to stand alone in every run
his business or his work in order to achieve his personal goals, his family
or even the purpose of the community around it. But many of them
we who do not work and move on to achieve more accomplishments
good for the future so that the result is actually the opposite, he
always rely on others, groups or communities around him.
Kasmir (2006: 19) adds that entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs)
is a brave person who takes risks to open a business
in various occasions. Dare to take risks meaning
independent mentality and courage to start a business, without fear or fear
anxious even in uncertain conditions. The same thing also expressed
by Schumpeter in Alma (2008: 24) that entrepreneurs are people
which break down the existing economic system by introducing goods
and new services, by creating new or organizational forms
processing new raw materials. In this definition, it is stressed that entrepreneurship
is the person who sees the opportunity then creates a
organizations to take advantage of these opportunities. While the process
entrepreneurship that includes all activities and functions of action
to pursue and take advantage of opportunities by creating organization