The crisis of 30 years for women: how to recognize it and benefit from it.

in #blog7 years ago

The approach of the thirtieth anniversary can be a cause of worry and anxiety. The transition from carefree adolescence to a more Mature age is inevitable, but it is able to provoke a psychological crisis of age development, and even for those women who are quite sure of themselves.

If you will soon be 30 years old and you have suddenly started to doubt the correctness of their way and those relationships in which you are a member, began to fear that he will never succeed in life, you have obvious symptoms of the crisis 30 years.

As in the case of the crisis of forty, the "trigger" of the 30-year-old is absolutely false setting that by a certain age you need to understand about myself. Such an approach is fraught with doubt and anxiety: you feel that life has deviated from the right path, or does not meet your expectations. To quietly say to yourself: "I went to the place where it should be", we must first learn to recognize the symptoms inherent in the entry into middle-age. Here are some of them:

Even if you started the fight against aging just graduating from University, most women are not afraid to celebrate their birthdays until the age of 25. If you start to downplay your age, you crisis 30 years.

If you are approaching 30-year anniversary you have the feeling that you are late on all counts (especially if you compare yourself to your own mom at this age) and your life is not something, in your opinion, important and mandatory ‒ for example, you are married or you have children ‒ it is useless to be nervous in connection with it and torturing yourself. The most important thing to do at this age is to understand what you want from life and what you need to do to achieve this, not counting what you already have!

Some women past achievements, personal or professional, which they were very proud of, after some time, may seem not so important and striking, especially in comparison with a new understanding of success in life. Be careful, in this way you can wait for depression! Just keep in mind that regret undone ‒ one of the symptoms of the crisis.

The crisis of 30 years is fueled by comparing yourself with other people of the same age. You bitterly feel that your life is not up to par. Of course, you can get on Facebook and walk at the personal pages of all your friends and even enemies. But be careful! It is scientifically proven that Facebook increases jealousy and loneliness.

The crisis of 30 years for women: how to recognize it and benefit from it
Another danger is the "impostor syndrome". You have succeeded in business and have achieved success in life, but you doubt yourself and are not confident in their own abilities. Many successful women can suffer from the so-called "impostor syndrome": you feel that everything in your life made you, and you just cleverly pretending to be a successful woman.

Realizing that your job has nothing to do with your youthful dreams, you are thinking about dismissal or even a radical change of profession. Psychotherapist Paul Cullen believes that such thoughts are characteristic of women aged 28 to 32 years. Your new image of an adult woman does not mean that you spend more money than they earn, but if the state of your finances suddenly began to seem even more pathetic than usual is also one of the signs of crisis in 30 years.

It is possible that, being a decade older, you differently look at your own behavior and what once seemed important. In modern society, a woman is faced with a variety of options and opinions. Sometimes to make a choice very difficult. Take your time, think! A notice that the work is completely subdued personal life. The pressure that you feel in your personal and professional life, gives you the desire to find stability. At the same time you become stronger to survive due to love failures.

"Depression and stress as a result of the gap in romantic relationships or complete lack of such a relationship, can increase after 25 years", ‒ says personal coach Christine Hassle. To spend time watching endless TV shows, night after night, night after night, can also be symptomatic of the crisis of this age. If you ceased to communicate with friends and repeatedly reject invitations to go to the movies or hanging out in cafes with friends, then probably you will need some time to cope with psychological problems.

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