QILIMANJARO: Next-gen computing on blockchain!!

in #blockchain6 years ago


The research group in the world are focusing on quantum circuits. Quantum circuits use quantum error correction so that useful quantum algorithms can be run. It is assessed that quantum computers will consume very less energy compared to their classic counterparts. As such this technology is sought after by major companies across the globe such as Microsoft, IBM, Google, and others. These quantum computers also offer a computational advantage over classic ones. IBM was the first to launch its 5 qubit cloud computer, Google is focusing on the need for quality of quantum gates. Many startups as well, the biggest name being Rigetti, are providing full-fledged quantum services and has recently opened a 19-qubit quantum computer with selective cloud access. Though the upsurge in the zeal towards quantum computers is huge right now, the centralized structure of the industry provides limited accessibility. The competition is huge with the market forces fighting for 'quantum supremacy' and getting all quantum algorithms patented.

This scenario will inhibit the spread of luxury access to a few and the services being sold at huge costs. Qilimanjaro is a project aimed at opening the world of quantum computation to every company and individual. This will not require the companies to purchase the expensive quantum computers or get themselves enrolled in a university to learn algorithms or else undertake a partnership with large firms.

Qilimanjaro aims to create an accessible quantum computer and provide translation software services.

It focuses on providing these services by adapting classical problems into quantum algorithms. It will further initiate the development of a universal open source quantum computation language (Qibo). It will work towards creating a community of users where contributions are rewarded.

What does it consist of?

The platform has two teams:

Qilimanjaro computing services:

It focuses on building quantum annealer based on coherent qubits to be assessed through a cloud platform. This will let in individuals and companies at a low price.

  • It will have a simple user-friendly interface by which external users can edit their preferences to build custom-made programs.
  • It will provide the necessary tools to compile algorithms.
  • The users will be able to test their programs against simulated realistic conditions.


Qilimanjaro software services:

This will help the users to adapt their problems to quantum algorithms that run on traditional quantum machines. It will work towards building a full-fledged operating system that will run on the Qilimanjaro quantum computer.

  • It will provide solutions for adapting real-world problems to quantum algorithms
  • Optimize quantum algorithms for existing quantum hardware.
  • Running and analyzing experiments on quantum computers

OpenQ will be a decentralized ecosystem for quantum computation for the community to fully access the quantum services marketplace so as to exploit and leverage the power of quantum computing. It will be the meeting point between the scientific community and developers.

General Benefits:

  • It will contribute towards scientific advances in the field of quantum computing.
  • It provides platforms and required infrastructures easily accessible to the global audience.
  • Promote collaboration with other companies and existing infrastructure.
  • The platform will lead to the development and standardization of quantum technologies.
  • The promotion of an open source community will stimulate the creation of networks of people, encouraging mobility and exchange of knowledge.
  • It will further work towards the promotion of quantum annealing technology in Europe which is still lacking it.

Technical Benefits:

  • It aims to set up the first quantum annealer with less than 5 qubits and the construction of a full sized coherent quantum annealer of about 100 qubits.
  • Real testing of algorithms and encouraging research on them
  • Developing an open quantum language
  • Work towards improving the actual computing ecosystem and make quantum computers accessible.
  • Their dream projects Qibo and OpenQ will work towards building a community.

QBIT token and its ICO details:

QBIT token is an ERC20 compliant utility token on the Qilimanjaro platform. It will be the only accepted currency on the platform. They will be necessary to utilize the services on the platform, reward various parties. Only Ether will be the acceptable mode of payment during the ICO.


A maximum of 300,000,000 QBIT will be issued out of which 45% will be up for sale (135,000,000 QBIT). The softcap is fixed at $9,900,000 while the hardcap is fixed at $25,000,000.

Private sale will have a 20% bonus. Public sale and crowd sale will have 10% and 0% respectively. The price per token during the public sale is 0.00037ETH. The dates of public sale and crowdsale have not been declared while the private sale is still underway.

Concluding Verdict:

Quantum computers and algorithms can change the way technology affects our life and this fact is very clearly understood by Qilimanjaro as a platform that aims to build a global community and marketplace where quantum technology can be bought and sold, researched and tested to develop and standardize it further. For the users, it decentralizes the platform and everyone can use a technology that was a luxury for a few. One can also learn and train in quantum algorithms. For investors, QBIT does not bring in any ownership rights but would serve as a utility token for making purchases and rewards. They can avail bonus of up to 20% in the private sale and 10% in the public sale.

For more details visit:

Website: https://qilimanjaro.io/?referral=bitcointalk_bounty

Whitepaper: https://qilimanjaro.io/static/whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/qilimanjaro

Twitter: https://twitter.com/qilimanjaro

Blog By: Lanirm Knayam

BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1308391