What's Happening With Bitcoin (Don't Cry)

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Hey everyone!

It has been a pretty rough period for BTC lately. Many of you might be fearful, anxious, angry, frustrated, impatient, or depressed. That’s understandable. But let’s calm down and pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and take an honest look at what is going on.
January has historically been the worst month for crypto for 5 consecutive years. We have seen this before. But we have also seen a return to all-time highs, in February every year, so we have reason to be hopeful. Bitcoin is becoming increasingly popular and mainstream – it is being discussed everywhere by everyone. Some of that discussion is accurate, some is not, some is honest, some is pure FUD. Don’t get caught up in that noise. A lot is happening in the BTC world right now. Some governments are embracing it and establishing regulations to facilitate adoption (which is good), while other governments are banning it outright (bad), or others still are somewhere in between. We’ve seen Microsoft reverse its decision to not accept BTC, and is now accepting it again. Facebook has announced they will be banning all crypto currency related advertising on its platform. But then some prominent Facebook Board Members like Marc Andreesen, Peter Thiel and David Marcus are adamant supporters of BTC in other firms where they are involved. Many things are happening at once right now.

It is important not to let your emotions get the best of you in these periods. Relax and try not to get caught up in the moment-by-moment madness of the markets that can lead you to make dumb, emotional decisions instead of smart, calculated and strategic ones. Don’t get down, don’t get depressed. Use this time to learn and prepare. Don’t get upset, get READY. It is never as bad as it seems in the moment!!


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

Just buy the dips people, everything will straighten and head back on up soooon or Mooooon, one of the two.

Well said brother! It's really interesting to me how trading requires emotional maturity and can also teach it to us if we become more conscious to the reactions we have to these emotions. It likes what yogis and mystics talk about not attaching ones self to the reactions and just let them pass by.

For people who did enter the cryptoworld from, lets say, the fall of 2017, it loos lle a crash. They never experieced a minthwith so many red days!
So a panic reaction is normal, causing more red days.
When they start reading, they read that you have to buy the dip, but each dip is followed by a deeper dip. So they loose trust and faith, withdrawing their money from the cryptoworld.
It looks like an endless circle. It takes time to break this circle and if the circle isn’t broken in time, we will see a major crash! Luckely there are a lot of whales who will not profit from such a crash, we they have pilled enough cheap coins, the market could rise again.

I am excided about february , stand by mode

This post has received gratitude of 1.22 % from @appreciator thanks to: @rihaan.