TIME and ATTENTION Are Spiritual Currency AND The Power Of The Word NO

in #anarchy6 years ago

I always close my posts with "Thanks for your time and attention" and "Just say NO to slavery". 

Here's why.

Thanks for your time and attention

Time and attention are two forms of spiritual currency.  They are things that every individual has.

That’s why we have the expressions “spend time” and “pay attention”, because time and attention are currency.    

What an individual invests their time and attention in will give a return on that investment.  This will manifest results for the individual as well as, to a certain extent, the world at large.    

For Example:

Individual “A” spends time reading “The Most Dangerous Superstition” by Larken Rose.  This individual has invested time and attention, and the return on that investment is knowledge and understanding.  

Knowledge that external authority is illusion.  Knowledge of right and wrong in terms of human behavior.  

This person might now go out and have a positive effect for liberty in the human experience by spreading the truth to others, by refusing to be searched at a checkpoint, by creating concepts and/or technologies that help people evacuate the state, or many other right actions.   

Individual “B” spends time watching “Cops” and playing “Grand Theft Auto”.  This individual will receive ignorance as a return on their investment.  This person might now go out and become a cop, a soldier, or some other violence-oriented occupation.  

They will likely contribute, via their actions, to the continuance of human suffering and slavery.  This person will comply with others claiming to be authority.    

How does this relate to my writings and blog posts here on Steemit?

It’s simple.    

Nearly all of my creations have messages of liberty.  By putting time and attention into reading my writings, individuals can gain some knowledge and understanding.  This is why I started to write and why I continue to write.    

That’s why I thank people for their time and attention.  Because they are using their time and attention for something that will contribute to greater liberty, on a small scale at the very least.

That’s the first part.  The other closing line I’ve used for many months now is:

Just say “NO” to slavery.

Why is this important?

Because when someone is trying to violate your rights, you have to say “NO” so that you maintain your liberty, and resist slavery.  No is a very powerful word.  It is a word of resistance, of disobedience, and ultimately, of liberty.   

For those interested in learning more about the importance of "time and attention" and the word "NO", here are links to Mark Passio's excellent, detailed explanations.

Segment of Mark Passio’s Natural Law Presentation – 2 Spiritual Currencies


Segment of Mark Passio’s Natural Law Presentation – The Word “NO”


Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from creative-commons-images.com


Thanks for expressing this, it really resonates with me.

A quibble regarding "This individual has invested time and attention, and the return on that investment is knowledge and understanding. Knowledge that external authority is illusion. Knowledge of right and wrong in terms of human behavior. "

Mark Passio, and many others, discuss the importance of the trivium as a B.S. detector and the three roads that meet are knowledge, understanding and wisdom. When you say: "Knowledge that external authority is illusion. Knowledge of right and wrong in terms of human behavior. " these thoughts make me think more of understanding and wisdom respectively.

My quibble is only relevant if you interpret knowledge in the stricter "trivium" sense of grammar i.e., information that answers the questions who, what, where and when. So if you were not coming at this from the perspective of the trivium, just ignore this quibble. If your frame of reference is the trivium, then maybe my comment is relevant.

Point well taken. Thanks for the comment. No, I did not have the stricter trivium sense in mind.

Deep. Love this. It's almost as If I was destined to stumble across this post. Needed a reminder.

Thanks @kaliju. I appreciate that.

Crap, I wanted to say that:/

Seriously just what I'm thinking and scroll down and read your comment. Too funny.

Really wonderful post, @steeminganarchy. So incredibly relevant.

Happens all the time lol

Time and attention is the most valuable thing you have to give to family. I have seen people not give this in my own family and it is something people never forget.

Yes, I hear you. Not getting attention from family is difficult to deal with.

Thank you for reminding us ;)

This post was better than a drunken monkey knife fight

Excellent post! I really enjoyed it. I agree on each of the points that you develop. More of this please! I reestim and upvote! Congrats!

I thank you for your time invested in this words. I assume you are not insulted if I will end some of my future post with words inspired by yours. Unfortunately we have sometimes to 'shut up', as there are forces trying to make us silent for ever. Especially in these cases we have to remember the truth and it is very helpful then if there are others taking the word and send us a reminder. Thank you !

You convinced me: I must start over my investment by continuing reading "The Most Dangerous Superstition" by @larkenrose

I'm very grateful for the time you spent to show me these truths, really!

Thanks. Yes, the truths contained in that book are essential. Glad to hear you'll continue.

I reblogged this post, so it will even work as a reminder every time I'll look to my blog... ;)

Have a nice time!

Thanks! Good luck to you!