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RE: Dying with Cannabis on Organic T-shirts for Anarchapulco

in #anarchapulco6 years ago (edited)

thank you for sharing all your wonderful knowledge with us my friend , I am having problems watching the video so will try again later, but I love the shade of green that you have got from the cannabis. Really great indepth post xxx resteemed xx


I think we are going to create a brochure outlining our herbal dying secrets in hopes others will adopt our methods... we are not going to get where we need to be by withholding Earth conscious wisdom for profits. We are here to share our wealth of wisdom. I am glad you like it.

that is a great idea I look forward to the brochure and I completely agree with you about sharing our earth wisdom, maybe consider a donation though, just to help you continue with what you are both doing and that way those that can't afford can still access it xxx

I will be accepting donations for the brochure and #Anarchapulco stickers at our vending stand. So yes, there will be a donation bucket, with no expectations. There are some good people that go to the conference so I am sure I will get some. Great idea.