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RE: Photography: Struggle with composition

in #photography5 years ago

As an exercise in composition, I'd recommend using a tripod on some of your field trips; spend time on composition, observing how little changes in perspective can change a whole picture. This will be very helpful even when working without a tripod.

Also carefully watch the light, and how it can hide or emphasize depth and composition. I think a few splashes of light/dark would add to a composition like yours above.

Try to do 100% with your camera; pictures you 'find' on your computer are often just halfXX ;)


I'm going to try using more the tripod for sure! I'm very active and stop to set the tripod makes me think I'm losing time while I could be jumping around looking for things. But definitely, I'm going to start using it more. Thank you for the comment and the advice! I really appreciate it :)

Just do it as a practise. You will love working without a tripod afterwards, and your eye for composition will have improved.